Bridget's Planning Bio

Bridget & Tye 5.8.10

my favorite engagement photo so far!
Hello and welcome to my wonderful planning bio. I've put up a lot of inspiration photos that I've found from all over the internet and in person. Please let me know if I used any of your photos so I can give credit where credit is due. Thanks and enjoy!

***As of today we are under the 50 day mark!!!! Oh my gosh how time has been speeding by!  This morning I heard one of the happiest sounds a bride could ever hear, the light clanking sound of invites hitting the bottom of a mail box!!!  I feel like I'm so behind on everything, but I'm slowly getting everything finished up.  I have all the vases for my candy buffet, now just to finish buying all of the candy (and not eat any of it before hand).  I also decided that I needed to get in a little bit better shape so I started the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. It kicks my butt but boy does it work!  I have a lot of last minute projects that are coming up and I'm going to need all the help that I can get.  I'm so lucky that I have such amazing friends and family who have put up with everything that goes along with planning a wedding, from supporting us, to helping out, to sympathizing with our frustrations.  I love you all!!!